Benefits of Taking an Exchange Program

  1. The exchange program offers numerous benefits to students, including:

  • Cultural Immersion: Exchange programs provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn a new language, and gain a better understanding of different ways of life.


  • Academic Enrichment: Exchange programs enable students to study at a different institution, providing them with access to new academic resources, courses, and professors.

  • Personal Growth: Exchange programs challenge students to step outside of their comfort zones, develop independence, and build resilience.


  • Career Advancement: Exchange programs can enhance students' resumes and make them more attractive to potential employers, demonstrating their adaptability, cultural awareness, and global perspective.


  • Networking Opportunities: Exchange programs provide students with opportunities to network with students, professors, and professionals from around the world, building valuable connections that can help them throughout their careers.

Exchange Program Statistics

  1. Over 85% of our students participate in exchange programs at least once during their course of study. We have established exchange partnerships with universities in more than 70 cities across 19 countries and 6 continents.
  3. Starting from the second year, students can choose to participate in summer, one-semester, or one-year exchange programs. Our flexible curriculum allows students to maximize their exchange experience by participating in as many programs as they wish, provided they graduate within the maximum study period.

Exchange Sharing