Curriculum Changes

To keep up with the continuous changes in the industry, we have made changes to our curriculum. The changes are as follows:


  • For students admitted in the 2021-2022 academic year and thereafter:
    1. We are offering a new course, "CSCI1550 Computer Principles and Python Programming," as one of the options for the computer core course. This course will be available alongside the existing computer courses CSCI 1510/1520/1530/1540.


  • For students admitted in the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter:
    1. We have moved "FINA4400 Behavioral Finance" and "FINA4410 Current Developments in FinTec" from the list of Business Courses 4(b) to the list of Core Courses 4(c).
    2. We have removed "FINA 6232 Seminar in Asset Pricing," "FINA 6242 Seminar in Corporate Finance," and "FINA 6252 Empirical Methods in Asset Pricing" from the list of Core Courses 4(c).