Curriculum Changes
To keep up with the continuous changes in the industry, we have made changes to our curriculum. The changes are as follows:
- For students admitted in the 2021-2022 academic year and thereafter:
- We are offering a new course, "CSCI1550 Computer Principles and Python Programming," as one of the options for the computer core course. This course will be available alongside the existing computer courses CSCI 1510/1520/1530/1540.
- For students admitted in the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter:
- We have moved "FINA4400 Behavioral Finance" and "FINA4410 Current Developments in FinTec" from the list of Business Courses 4(b) to the list of Core Courses 4(c).
- We have removed "FINA 6232 Seminar in Asset Pricing," "FINA 6242 Seminar in Corporate Finance," and "FINA 6252 Empirical Methods in Asset Pricing" from the list of Core Courses 4(c).